The Fletcher Players Society

Booking Quotas for This Week



Fletcher Player Fletcher Players use Fletcher Players use Fleps Programming Meeting Fletcher Players funding meeting Fletcher players Fletcher Players Meeting Tech Rep Training CUADC/Fletcher Players Intro to Tech at the Playroom Workshop Fletcher Players Meeting Fletcher players meeting


▛ The Fletcher Players are Corpus Christi’s resident drama society, committed to funding and programming original, daring and exciting works of student theatre.

The society is the resident theatre company of the Corpus Playroom, one of Cambridge’s most popular theatrical spaces. The Playroom was opened in 1979 by Caroline Oulton and Mark McCrum, and was run by the Fletcher Players until handing over management to the Cambridge Arts Theatre in 2001 and the ADC Theatre in 2011.

The Fletcher Players now serves primarily as a funding body, providing financial support for several shows every term at the Corpus Playroom and ADC Theatre. Every Lent Term, the Fletcher Players presents a Freshers’ Play at the Playroom that is directed and performed entirely by first-year students from Corpus Christi College.

The society is also dedicated to encouraging the creation of original dramatic works, both within the Corpus community and throughout Cambridge. For example, Smorgasbord, a night of new writing, provides a space for new content to be honed and developed once every Michaelmas and Lent.

Contact us at:
The 2024-25 committee is:

President: Stan Hunt th665
Junior Treasurer: Audrey Hammer ah2256
Secretary: Izzy Lane il347
New Writing: Annie Fogden af856
Publicity and Social Media Manager: Irisa Kwok yk411 Sinclair as3505
Social Sec: Harriet Regan hr469 Christopher Lorde cl986
Costume and Props: Sarah Marsh sm2719
College Rep: Lucia Guzy-Kirkden lg651

For more information, please visit our website:

Follow us on instagram @fletcherplayers

Don't forget to like our Facebook page in order to receive updates about shows and upcoming events:

Information kindly provided by Camdram.