Songs for a New World

Booking Quotas for This Week



SFANW rehearsal Songs Rehearsal Songs Rehearsal SFANW rehearsal Songs: solo runs Songs Rehearsal Songs Rehearsal


‘A new world calls across the ocean, a new world calls across the sky, a new world whispers in the shadows.’

These are the stories and characters of today, the Songs for a New World. The first musical from Tony Award winner Jason Robert Brown (The Last Five Years, Parade), this moving collection of powerful songs examines life, love and the choices we make.

Brown transports his audience from the deck of a 1492 Spanish sailing ship to a ledge 57 stories above Fifth Avenue to meet a startling array of characters ranging from a young man who is determined that basketball is his ticket out of the ghetto to a woman whose dream of marrying rich nabs her the man of her dreams and a soulless marriage.


  • 19:45 on 2024-02-06 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-02-07 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-02-08 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-02-09 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-02-10 at ADC Theatre
  • 14:30 on 2024-02-10 at ADC Theatre

Information kindly provided by Camdram.