HATCH Lent '24

Booking Quotas for This Week





Every term, as part of its suite of new writing programmes, the Marlowe Society runs HATCH - a (sometimes) themed collage of the freshest new writing in Cambridge.

Apart from granting writers the opportunity to see their work put up on stage, it affords directors and actors the chance to easily hone their skills when interpreting scripts, and gives all three groups the chance to work together to create something special. HATCH is envisioned partly as a chance for people from the weekly Marlowe Writers’ Group to edit the writing exercises they have been working on and see them up on stage, but also for writers beyond Marlowe’s programmes to join the fold!

In line with the evening’s history as a low-stakes, relaxed opportunity to get involved with new writing - there will be no applications or auditions, and writers will be accepted on a rolling basis. What there will be are short pieces of new writing, and extracts from longer plays. And a lot of fun to be had by all, whether in the audience or on stage.


  • 21:30 on 2024-03-12 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.