
Booking Quotas for This Week



Doggerel rehearsal Doggerel rehearsal Doggerel Rehearsal


What do a sham poet, Count Dracula and the London MET have in common? Doggerel is a new comedy play written by Miles Hitchens, which considers the problem of authorship, how words are liable to take on lives of their own and the factors that go into interpreting them. The late Victorian poet Vincent Conquest is struggling to make ends meet. His customers believe his verse to be the key that will reveal their future lives, and he believes he’s fallen to the worst fate a poet can get, the writer of doggerel. That is until the mysterious Count Sorin finds the writings, holding them to be a bona fide confession of vampiredom. The spontaneous scribbler is now implicated in a revenge plot against Bram Stoker and his satirical account of crimes against the vampire race. Will he survive, or will his broken versifying see him slaughtered?


  • 19:00 on 2024-02-20 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2024-02-21 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2024-02-22 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2024-02-23 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2024-02-24 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.