Neighbourhood Watch

Booking Quotas for This Week



Neighbourhood Watch Rehearsal NW SM Meeting Neighbourhood Watch Meeting NW Rehearsal Neighbourhood Watch - Auditions Neighbourhood Watch Rehearsal Neighbourhood Watch Rehearsal TNH Rehearsal Neighbourhood Watch Meeting+Photoshoot


On a quiet afternoon in the Bluebell Hill Development neighbourhood, Martin and his sister Hilda decide to open their doors for a house-warming party. Before they even get a chance to offer the first cup of tea their peace is disturbed by a trespasser on their back lawn. Concerned with the safety and security of their community a newly formed Neighbourhood Watch takes matters into its own hands, fences are installed and neighbourhood patrols start roaming the streets. However, what started as an innocent committee rapidly escalates when a dispute culminate in the first casualty… Monty, Martin’s favourite garden gnome.

With ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ Alan Ayckbourn once again expertly ties comedic genius with carefully embedded social critique. This is not one to miss!


  • 19:45 on 2024-03-05 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-03-06 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-03-07 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-03-08 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2024-03-09 at ADC Theatre
  • 14:30 on 2024-03-09 at ADC Theatre

Information kindly provided by Camdram.