The Welkin

Booking Quotas for This Week



The Welkin auditions The Welkin auditions The Welkin stage rehearsal The Welkin rehearsal The Welkin rehearsal The Welkin - Paper Tech The Welkin - Paper Tech Welkin Equipment Tests Smorgasbord Rehearsal - "Relate"


‘She is a nasty, stupid, wicked wretch, and I mean to save her life.’

Rural Suffolk, 1759. As the country waits for Halley's Comet, Sally Poppy is sentenced to hang for a heinous murder. When she claims to be pregnant, a jury of twelve women are snatched from their housework to decide whether she's telling the truth, or simply 'pleading the belly' to escape the noose.

With only midwife Lizzy Luke prepared to defend the girl, and a mob baying for blood outside, the women wrestle with their new authority, and the devil in their midst.

The women of The Welkin are often unlikeable, rude, hilarious, impatient, gossipy, airheaded, witty, nurturing and physically and emotionally strong. Think Twelve Angry Men meets the Vagina Monologues, with a sprinkling of The Crucible.


  • 19:45 on 2023-10-24 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-10-25 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-10-26 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-10-27 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-10-28 at ADC Theatre
  • 14:30 on 2023-10-28 at ADC Theatre

Information kindly provided by Camdram.