The Wedding Singer

Booking Quotas for This Week



Wedding Singer rehearsal Wedding Singer rehearsal Wedding Singer rehearsal Wedding Singer meeting Wedding Singer paper tech


It’s 1985 and rock-star wannabe Robbie Hart is New Jersey’s favourite wedding singer. He’s the life of the party until his fiancée leaves him at the altar. Heart-broken, Robbie now ruins every wedding he plays.

When he meets waitress Julia, he falls in love - but Julia is about to marry a Wall Street shark, and unless Robbie can pull off the performance of his life, Julia will be gone.

With a score that pays loving homage to the 1980s, The Wedding Singer takes us back to when hair was big, collars were up, and a wedding singer might just have been the coolest guy in the room.


  • 19:45 on 2023-09-05 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-09-06 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-09-07 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-09-08 at ADC Theatre
  • 19:45 on 2023-09-09 at ADC Theatre
  • 14:30 on 2023-09-09 at ADC Theatre

Information kindly provided by Camdram.