Playing Pretend

Booking Quotas for This Week



Playing Pretend Audition Playing Pretend rehearsal Playing pretend Rehearsals Playing Pretend rehearsal Playing Pretend Rehearsal Playing Pretend Rehearsal Playing Pretend Rehearsal Playing Pretend Reharsal Playing Pretend Rehearsal Playing Pretend Read Through


Sammy, Jason and Teddy, grow up together. Strange concrete places become forests, and the world is big. They find imaginary friends in between these spaces; mirror images of themselves that take them to the world next door.

Then they grow up. Certain doors shut and are brick bound again. Teddy goes missing and his absence causes a rift between them throughout the years that threatens to break them and the fragile lives they've made for themselves.

Sammy and Jason find that the world has moved on without taking them with it.

But as they grow older, neither of them can shake the feeling that someone else is watching them. The world next door is whispering and their imaginary friends don't want to be forgotten.


  • 21:30 on 2023-02-08 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2023-02-09 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2023-02-10 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2023-02-11 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.