Macroevolution: Variant B

Booking Quotas for This Week



Macroevolution: Variant B Auditions Macroevolution: Variant B Auditions Macroevolution rehearsals Macroevolution rehearsals Macroevolution rehearsals Macroevolution rehearsals Macroevolution rehearsals


Macroevolution, Variant B is a feel-good comedy/drama about a longlasting three-way friendship.

Three shy freshers meet at a board games night in the university of York, and agree to play the fiendish Macroevolution, Variant B together. This meeting blossoms into a close friendship, over which the group keep playing Macroevolution on and off, for many years, until their lives start moving along different tracks.

Can they help each other navigate the choppy seas of their twenties? Can any of them understand the game’s opaque, pretentious rules enough to win it? Can they keep in touch, or are things coming to a natural close? This original play documents the highs, lows, arguments, and stupid-yet-hilarious banter that you get when three introverts join forces against the world.


  • 21:30 on 2023-02-01 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2023-02-02 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2023-02-03 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2023-02-04 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.