On the Exhale

Booking Quotas for This Week



On the Exhale Auditions On the Exhale Recalls On the Exhale Recalls On The Exhale Rehearsal On The Exhale Rehearsal On the Exhale Audition OTE On The Exhale Rehearsal On The Exhale Rehearsal


A school shooting tears one woman's world apart. In the aftermath, she finds herself disempowered and hopeless, surrounded by the fragments of her broken life. But then, all of a sudden, she gets caught in the crosshairs of a new, unlikely obsession which propels her to the steps of Washington, leaving her message ringing in the ears of those who refuse to pay attention. As she steadies her aim, she remembers the advice the old man in the gun shop told her: “fire on the exhale.”

This one-hour, one-woman monologue confronts the ubiquitous trauma of gun violence in a highly personal way. Discarding the politics and the age-old debates about gun control, Zimmerman’s monologue gets to the heart of a very human tragedy.


  • 19:00 on 2020-04-21 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-04-22 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-04-23 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-04-24 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-04-25 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.