Spring Robin

Booking Quotas for This Week



Alice Tyrrell Spring Robin Alice Tyrrell Spring Robin Alice Tyrrell Spring Robin Spring Robin rehearsal Spring Robin Rehearsal Spring Robin Rehearsal Spring Robin Rehearsal Spring Robin Rehearsal Spring Robin Rehearsal


‘I’m actually handling it all incredibly well. I haven’t eaten a single tub of Ben & Jerrys.’

Long cold nights, short cold days, three 9ams a week, and a slowly-healing heartbreak – Robin’s winter stretches on without an end in sight.

Luckily, with Sam and Jamie in the next rooms along, life feels a bit warmer and brighter, even if it does mean hearing Jamie’s terrible music blasting out in the early hours and waiting an extra 40 minutes any time Sam’s in the shower. Friendship lights up G corridor where the crappy uni lighting fails.

But as Robin recovers and the trio tightens, things start getting complicated and feelings stand to get hurt. Love blooms, priorities waver, and chocolate mug cakes can’t quite chase off the lingering February chill.

Funny, heartfelt and moving, Spring Robin follows the happy highs and lonely lows of three friends in a corridor in the coldest, darkest season, but ultimately asks: if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Previous praise for the writing:
‘clever and insightful [...] brilliantly funny while also being incredibly poignant’ (Varsity)
‘funny and witty [...] utterly sensitive and articulate’ (TCS)
‘exhibits a deep sensitivity and awareness’ ‘its sardonic wit caused [...] irrepressible hysterics’ (The Tab)
‘[the] characters are deliberate and well-developed’ ‘a beautifully balanced, honest play’ (edfringereview)


  • 19:00 on 2020-01-21 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-01-22 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-01-23 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-01-24 at Corpus Playroom
  • 19:00 on 2020-01-25 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.