Master Tasker
Booking Quotas for This Week
Rehearsals: | |
Auditions: | |
Meetings: |
Master Tasker Auditions
Master Tasker second auditions
Jenny Jones rehearsal
Jenny Jones: Jenny Jones rehearsal
Jones rehearsal
Master Tasker Auditions
Master Tasker breakout room
Master Tasker Auditions
Master Tasker Writer's room
Master Tasker Rehearsal
Master Tasker rehearsal
Master Tasker Rehearsal
Master Tasker rehearsal
Five so-called “comedians”. Four humiliating tasks. Three French hens. Two reputations on the line. One will be victorious. On your marks, get set, ego! Watch as our panellists try to complete challenges which will push them to their creative limits and be judged by the Master Taskers. What more could you want from a late show? With all of the format, none of the celebrity, this Cambridge show promises to win awards (or would do if the Brits weren’t rigged). Join us for an evening you won't forget - even if you try to. Come if you want. Whatever. We don’t care.
- 23:00 on 2025-03-14 at ADC Theatre
Information kindly provided by Camdram.