Far Away

Booking Quotas for This Week



Far Away Rehearsal Far Away Rehearsal Far Away Rehearsal Far Away Rehearsal Far Away Rehearsal Far Away Rehearsal Far Away Hatmaking session Far Away Videography session


“It’s all going to be downhill from now on.”

A young girl stumbles into the kitchen, and tentatively questions her aunt about the bloody assault she has witnessed in the night. Several years later, the whole world, including birds, animals, and gravity itself, has descended into war. Facing a culture on the cusp of apocalypse, the girl returns to her aunt’s to seek refuge.

First performed in 2000, Caryl Churchill’s Far Away is part absurdist drama, part dystopian nightmare. With notes of environmental decay, pervasive violence, and glimmering, hard earned, hints of hope, Far Away is more comparable to our modern condition than ever before, and closer to our generation than is comfortable to admit.

The Far Away team is thrilled to be working with director/dramaturg/performance maker Rebecca Goh, who is hosting a BREAD LAB on eco dramaturgy with Bread Theatre & Film Company


  • 21:30 on 2025-02-26 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2025-02-27 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2025-02-28 at Corpus Playroom
  • 21:30 on 2025-03-01 at Corpus Playroom

Information kindly provided by Camdram.