True Historical Fact
Booking Quotas for This Week
Rehearsals: | |
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True Historical Fact Auditions
True Historical Fact Auditions
2 Years Sober rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
True Historical Fact Rehearsal
2 Years Sober rehearsal
Hear ye, hear ye, come watch a show so funny it'll go down in history!!
Come and see the figures of history: high and low, big and small, smelly and less smelly in this night of hilarious sketches, songs and good fun. There will be giggles galore, and you can nerd out to your heart’s content!
Get ready for a truly educational night as every thing in the show, every single thing, is definitely, 100% entirely True Historical Fact! (definitely)
- 23:00 on 2025-03-12 at ADC Theatre
- 23:00 on 2025-03-13 at ADC Theatre
Information kindly provided by Camdram.